Sociology Optional 2022 previous year questions (PYQs)


Sociology previous year paper

YEAR: 2022

1.     What aspects of Enlightenment do you think paved way for the emergence of sociology? Elaborate. 20 (2a/ 2022)

2.     Delimit the scope of Sociology in relation to other social sciences. (2022/I/1a/10)

3.     How does a researcher achieve objectivity in interpretative research? (2022/I/1b/10)

4.     What are the shortfalls of positivist philosophy that gave rise to the non-positivist methods of studying social reality? (2022/I/3a/20)

5.     What is the distinctiveness of the feminist method of Social research Comment? (2022 /I/1a/10)

6.     The difference between information and data in social science is subtle. Comment. (2022/I/1c/10)

7.     Explain the different types of non-probability sampling techniques. Bring out the conditions of their usage with appropriate examples. (2022/I/2b/20)

8.     Suggest measures to minimize the influence of the researcher in the process of collecting data through focus group discussion. (2022/I/3c/10)

9.     What is reliability? Explain the different tests available to social science researchers to establish reliability. (2022/I/4c/10)

10.  Durkheim argued that society is more than the sum of individual acts. Discuss (2022/I/1d/10)

11.  Critically examine how Durkheim and Merton explicate Anomie. (2022/I/3b20)

12.  Critically examine the relevance of Durkheim's views on religion in contemporary society. (2022/I/5a/10)

13.  According to Mead the idea of self develops when the individual becomes self-conscious. Explain. 20 (2022/I/6a/20)

14.  Critically analyze Parsons Views on society as a social system. (2022/I/7a/20)

15.  According to Mead the idea of self develops when the individual becomes self-conscious. Explain. (2022/I/6a/20)

16.  How do sociologists construct gender in their analysis on social inequality? (2022/I/1e/10)

17.  Social stratification is claimed to contribute to the maintenance of social order and stability in society. Critically assess. (4b/ 2022)

18.  Discuss social mobility in open and closed system. 10 (2c/ 2022)

19.  What characterizes degradation of work in capitalist society according to Marx? (4a/ 2022)

20.  Explain the implications of feminization of work in the developing societies. 10 (5c/ 2022)

21.  Analyze the nature of transition from ideology to identity politics India.(2022/I/6b/20)

22.  Discuss how 'environmentalism' can be explained with new social movements approach. (2022/I/7b/20)

23.  Illustrate with examples the role of pressure groups in the formulation of social policies, (2022/I/7c/10)

24.  Write a note on global trends of secularization. (2022/I/5d/10)

25.  How do-little tradition and great tradition coexist in contemporary Indian society? (2022/I/6c/10)

26.  Discuss various theoretical perspectives on the family. (2022/I/5b/20)

27.  How do you understand the relationship between patriarchy and social development? (2022/I/8c/10)

28.  Trace the trajectory of development perspectives on social change. (2022/I/5e/10)

29.  Sociologists argue for democratization of science and technology for inclusive development. Comment. (2022/I/8a/20)

30.  Are traditional social institutions getting weakened as agents of social change in the contemporary society? Substantiate. (2022/I/8b/20)

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